Download Git For Android Studio


How to add an Android Studio project to GitHub duplicate Ask Question Asked 3 years. Download git from https. Or build it creates new files which are changeable from build to build and pc to pc.We do not want all the files from Android Studio to be added to. Sep 22, 2015  Questions installing git on android studio. But don't I need to set a path to git executable? And also do I need to download any plugins for AS? I actually did the courses here on git basics I just don't remember a whole lot(I should probably redo them to refresh on it all) and git/github is just a bit overwhelming to me, so I'm sorry for.

The Azure DevOps Services Plugin for Android Studio allows you to connect to your Git repositories on Azure DevOps Services and Team Foundation Server (TFS) in a seamless and intuitive way. You can also use this plugin to import your android development projects into Azure DevOps Services or create pull requests in your Azure DevOps Services/TFS Git repository.

The plugin is compatible with Android Studio 1.2 and up.

Android Studio is the official IDE for Android app development, based on IntelliJ IDEA. You can find out more about it at

Android Studio Gitignore

The Azure DevOps Services plugin for Android Studio is available in the Android Studio Plugin Repository.The plugin can be installed from Android Studio by browsing the Plugin Repository.

Download Git For Android Studio

  1. In Android Studio, open plugin settings:

    • Linux: from the File menu, select Settings.. then Plugins
    • Mac: from the Android Studio menu, select Preferences.. then Plugins
    • Windows: from the File menu, select Settings.. then Plugins
  2. Click the Browse repositories.. button and search for 'Visual Studio Team Services'.

  3. Click the Install plugin button and restart Android Studio.

    You can also download the plugin to disk from the Android Studio Plugin Repository and install the downloaded JAR file.

  4. In Android Studio, open plugin settings:

    • Linux: from the File menu, select Settings.. then Plugins
    • Mac: from the Android Studio menu, select Preferences.. then Plugins
    • Windows: from the File menu, select Settings.. then Plugins
  5. Click the Install plugin from disk.. button and browse to the JAR file on disk.

  6. Click the Install plugin button and restart Android Studio.

Next Steps

  • Learn more about the Android Studio plugin by reading Create a Git repo with IntelliJ or Android Studio.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q: What versions of Android Studio are supported?

A: The plugin is supported and tested on Android Studio version 1.2 and later

Q: Is there support for TFVC repositories?

A: The plugin supports both Git and TFVC. For more information on TFVC support, see the TFVC specific features listed here.

Q: Is the source code for the plugin available?

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A: The source code is available on GitHub. It is open sourced under the MIT license and we welcome contributions.

Downloading the Android Studio Project Folder

The FTC SDK can be downloaded from a GitHub repository. GitHub is a web-based version control company that lets individuals and organizations host content online. In order to access the FTC software, you will need to have a GitHub account. You can create one for free by visiting the GitHub website:

For the 2019-2020 season and beyond, each new FIRST Tech Challenge season has its own unique public GitHub repository.

The current season's public repository can be found at the following address:

Important Note for Advanced GitHub Users: this tutorial assumes that the user is a novice with respect to using GitHub and the git version control software. If you are a GitHub power user, you can use git to clone a local copy of the current season's public GitHub repository. This document, however, does not explain how to use git to access the repository. It provides instructions on downloading the repository as a .ZIP file instead.

From the main repository web page, click on the “releases” link to jump to the Releases page for the repository. The Releases page should list the available software releases for the repository. The latest release should be displayed near the top of the page.

Each software release should include an Assets section that you can use to download the software that you will need to program your robot. Note that you might have to click on the triangular symbol to expand this Assets section.

Click on the Source code (zip) link to download the compressed Android Studio project folder.

Extracting the Contents of the Archived Project File

Once you have downloaded the archived (.ZIP) project file you can move this file to the location of your choice.

Before you can import the FTC project into Android Studio, you must first extract the contents of the archived project file. For Windows users, right mouse click on the file and select “Extract All” from the pop up menu. Windows should prompt you to select a destination for the extracted project folder. The dialog that appears should look similar to the one show in the figure below.

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Download Git For Android Studio

Highlight the suggested name for the destination folder (in the figure above, the suggested name is “SkyStone-5.0”) and change the destination folder name into something more user friendly. In this example, we will change the name of the destination folder to “mycopy”.

After you have renamed the destination folder, extract the contents of the archive to the folder. After the extraction process is complete, verify that the project folder was successfully extracted to its target destination.

Once you have successfully extracted the contents of the archived file, you are ready to import the FTC project into Android Studio.

Importing the FTC Project into Android Studio

In order to import the FTC Project, you will need to launch the Android Studio software on your computer. On the main Android Studio Welcome screen, select the option to “Import project (Eclipse, ADT, Gradle, etc.)” to begin the import process.

Android Studio should prompt you to select the project folder that you would like to import. Use the file browser in the pop up dialog box to locate and then select the folder that you extracted in an section of this document. Make sure you select the extracted project folder (and not the .ZIP file which might have a similar name to the extracted folder). Hit the “OK” button to import the selected project into Android Studio.

In the figure above the project folder called “SkyStone-5.0” is selected to be imported into Android Studio. It might take Android Studio several minutes to import the project. Once the project has been successfully imported, the screen should look similar to the one depicted in the image below.